I Wonder Where We're Filking Tonight

Lyrics ©2016 by Bill and Gretchen Roper
Music: "I Wonder What She's Doing Tonight"

Balticon had a new hotel this year. In a bit of, well, interesting strategy, Programming — much against Gary's will — moved the filk room to a different room every night so that we could "try them out". We figured that Gary deserved to have a song written from his point of view about his plight.

Happily, Gretchen and I picked on a song that only has two verses in the original — and a very singable chorus.

Note for the interested Programming Head for 2017: Gary would actually be quite happy to be in Kent, but it rhymed, so he is not responsible for that particular observation. :)

       G                 C
When I said that I’d run filking,
           G                   C
You know I thought we’d have a room
      G               C
And I didn’t think programming
      G             C
Would send me to my doom,
         G                C
‘Cause a filk should be located
              G             C
Where you can find it every night.
And now I wonder
F                     G
Where we’re filking tonight.

           G                            C
Oh, yes, I wonder where we’re filking tonight.
       F                  C         G
Yes, I wonder where we’re filking tonight.

It was so small, but it could have been smaller.
We could have wound up stuffed in Kent.
And I looked in James last evening
And I wondered where the filkers went,
‘Cause it seems that every evening
We’ve got to find a new place to light.
And now I wonder
Where we’re filking tonight.

(Chorus twice)